Products & Components
Semiconductor Manufacturing Equipments
The HemeraHT rapid thermal processing equipment (RTP) is based on a dual side lamp field vacuum chamber concept. The HemeratHT is either available with automatic or manual loading and for wafer sizes up to 200 mm.
Our automatic handling system (equipment front end module, EFEM) including fab automation for up to 300 mm wafer size is optional capable for small wafer sizes (50 – 100 mm), multi wafer processing or automatic susceptor or box handling for wide band gab semiconductors.
Hemera HT

The rapid thermal processing equipment (RTP) is based on a dual side lamp field vacuum chamber concept. The HemeratHT is either available with automatic or manual loading and for wafer sizes up to 200 mm.
Hyperion LT

Our low temperature microwave plasma oxidation and nitridation system is equipped with our unique microwave plasma stick array and optional lower tungsten halogen lamp field for additional and separate rapid thermal heating of waver sizes 50 to 300 mm.
Diamond Cube

This one cubic meter cube is designed for the fabrication of diamond-based photonic chips and heats samples in a high vacuum to suppress unwanted oxidation processes on the diamond surface.
For our customers we also develop and provide single components from our systems, e.g. pyrometer, plasma/microwave sensors.
150/200 mm Loadport with Integrated Slot Scanner
HQ-Dielectrics® developed a fully automated 150/200 mm open cassette station with integrated slot mapping sensor, in order to get slot mapping functionality independent from robot software and hardware specifications. The communication protocol follows 300 mm industrial standards.

We offer various pyrometers with multiple measurement wavelengths and bandwidths. Different sensor types and measurement principles cover the whole range from room temperature to 1700 °C.
Our development focusses on intrinsic stability and accuracy with unique background signal minimization. Our pyrometers provide output signals equivalent to the incoming radiation over several orders of magnitude independent from distance between object and pyrometer. Monitoring of various pyrometer specific signals and parameters ensure its stability.
Our pyrometers are applied in FEoL equipment like Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) tools or plasma oxidation/nitridation equipments.
The calculation of corresponding temperature and emissivity is customer and application specific.
Please contact us for further information or in case of questions.
Gate Valve

Valve with rectangular cross-section for connecting vacuum chambers and atmospheric Equipment Front End Modules. Substrates processed under vacuum condition within our process chamber are moved by the robot through the valve. Our gate valve proofs our innovative spirit to continuously improve our gaseous ambient control during processing. Uniquely designed with cooling and heating features.
Plasma-/Microwave Sensors
Sensing of plasma ignition in plasma processing systems is mandatory. Our sensor measures microwave radiation inside the process chamber. Vice versa in case of microwave plasma ignition a strong absorption of the microwave and almost no remaining radiation is detectable inside the process chamber.